Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Good questions to ask your child...

What is an exclamatory sentence? (Answer: A sentence that shows strong feeling and ends with an exclamation mark)
What is a declarative sentence? (Answer: A sentence that makes a statement and ends in a period)
What is an interrogative sentence? (Answer: A sentence that asks a question and ends with a question mark)
What is an imperative questions?  (Answer: A sentence that gives a command)

What chapter should you have read to in the book, Night of the Twister?  (Answer:  You should be ready to begin the chapter entitled, Eleven O'clock.     )

What do you have for homework tonight?  (Answer: Math 2.3, W.I.N. packet (if you are in Mr. Krupa's W.I.N. group, and bring back your picture form if you are ordering pictures)