Monday, October 8, 2012

Field Trip Information

Please dress for the weather! Better to have hats, gloves, and mittens and be able to take them off, than not to have them at all.
Your child may bring electronic games, but the volume must be turned off.  The teachers, chaperones, or boat company will not be held responsible for missing or broken possessions. Music devices should be set low enough that the person sitting next to you cannot hear it playing.
Only cameras are allowed on the boat. All other electronic devices need to remain on the bus while we are riding the boat.
Students may bring pop as a beverage, but not energy drinks.
Healthy snacks and treats are highly recommended.
Please no glassware or glass bottles.
We will be boarding the bus at 7:50 and leaving as close to 8:00 as possible. We need to board the boat, in St. Paul, at 9:45!!!
Students will use the 'buddy system' during the entire event.  Please do not go anywhere without your 'buddy'.