Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November Reading Contracts and AR score sheets were sent out on Monday.

Reading Contract
For November

I, ______________ will read at home every day and will keep a log of my daily reading minutes in my agenda. My goal is to read ______________ minutes for the month of November (Minimum number of minutes is 340).

My parents will check my reading minutes and sign my agenda at the end of every day. I will return it to school daily so my teacher can check it, too.

I understand that to be eligible for an end of the month reading reward, I must read, sign, and comply with the terms of this contract. We will be having a Silent Auction on November 24th. We will be using the Krupa Dollars that we have earned to purchase items that are for sale.

I will also need to earn _______ Accelerated Reading points by reading books that are within my reading range. My current range and number of accumulated points are listed below. I realize that for the month of September only the tests that were completed with an 80% accuracy rate, were added to my overall AR point total. Anything under 80% did not count toward my goal of 11 Points. Also, during the months of October and November my accuracy rate needed to be at least _________% for October and _________ % for November. Remember, as per the Literacy Committee, beginning in November you can only take one AR test per day and have one AR book checked out at a time. Please plan ahead!

In addition to the reading requirements, I will need to complete _______20_____ reading grid items. Please note that the Veteran’s Day Essay is due on or before November 9th.

My reading range is _____________________________. Currently, I have accumulated _______________AR points.

________________________ _________________________
Student Signature Parent Signature
Teacher Signature
Note: Signed contracts are due back in school no later than November 4th for photocopying.


Create a Logic Problem on a spreadsheet. Create at least four clues to solve your Logic Problem. Use four names and four topics. PS_______

Create a fictitious country map with at least four cities. Place a compass rose on it, a legend, and use a scale of one inch equals 80 miles. Then create a mileage chart for all four cities. PS______________

1st wk. of Nov. -Enter studyisland.com and complete 10 questions under theAntonyms, Synonoyms, and Homonyms objective. Earn at least 75% accuracy. If you do not make the 75% accuracy rate, play two games and then work until you reach 60%. PS___________

1st wk. of Nov. -Enter studyisland.com and complete 10 questions under the Following Directions objective. Earn at least 75% accuracy. If you do not make the 75% accuracy rate, play two games and then work until you earn at least 50%. PS___________

1st wk. of Nov. -Enter studyisland.com and complete 10 questions under the Distinguish Fact and Opinion objective. Earn at least 70% accuracy. If you do not make the 70% accuracy rate, play two games and then work until you earn 60%. PS___________

2nd wk. of Nov. -Enter studyisland.com and complete 10 questions under the Generate and Answer ? 's objective. Earn at least 70% accuracy. If you do not make the 70% goal play 2 games until you earn an overall 60% rate. PS__

2nd wk. of Nov. -Enter studyisland.com and complete 10 questions under the Setting objective. Earn at least 70% accuracy. If you do not make the accuracy rate, play two games and then work to earn a 60% rate. PS___________

2nd wk. of Nov. -Enter studyisland.com and complete 10 questions under the Math Reading And Writing Numbers objective. Earn at least 80% accuracy. If you do not make the accuracy rate, play two games and work to earn a 70% overall rate. PS___________

Earn/accomulate a minimum of 11 AR points with the appropriate accuracy rate for the entire first trimester.

Submit a Veterans Day Essay with a Sloppy Copy, Editing Sheet, and Final Draft. Present it to the class on or before November 9th. Finish your first audiobook. Complete the book report and display it on the wall. Take the AR test if one is available. PS______

Complete your agenda everyday. Complete your November Notebook everyday. If you are absent, copy the information from your partner.

3rd wk. of Nov. -Enter studyisland.com and complete 10 questions under the Math 2003 Additon and Subtraction objective. Earn at least 80% accuracy. If you do not make the 80% rate, play two games and test until you earn at least a 70% overall rate. PS__

3rd wk. of Nov. -Enter studyisland.com and complete 10 questions under the Math Facts objective. Earn at least 80% accuracy. If you do not make the 80% rate, play two games and test until you earn at least a 70% overall rate. PS_______

3rd wk. of Nov. -Enter studyisland.com and complete 10 questions under the Math Counting Money objective. Earn at least 80% accuracy. If you do not make the 80% rate, play two games and test until you earn at least a 70% overall rate. PS_______

4th Wk. of Nov. - Enter studyisland.com and complete 10 questions under the Math Compare and Order #'s objective. Earn at least 80% accuracy. If you do not make the 80% rate, play two games and test until you earn at least a 70% overall rate. PS_______

Create a turkey brid project. More info. will be given in class. PS____

Add a goal to your MAPS test score sheet. Have your parents fill out the 3rd section with a "home" connection goal. PS_____

This month's home/school responsibility connection activity is ANDI. Contine to MTB amd LOC. PS______

Draw a name out of our class list basket and write a letter to them. Ask them at least one question and give them at least one compliment. Mr. Krupa will mail it. PS__