Friday, January 14, 2011

Bedtime Awareness Week

I'm noticing a lot of children that have been having a tough time getting back into the swing of things and I'm thinking it may be due to a lack of quality or quantity of sleep. I'd like to share with you a website that makes some recommendations about the value of a good night's rest. The kids found our discussion on the value of sleep pretty fascinating, especially those that were eager to boast about their late bedtime routine. If you have time, take a moment and look at the chart that gives suggestions for the number of hours that each age group should spend sleeping. Also, the myths section contains some points to ponder that I think you'll find equally beneficial when persuading your child to turn out the lights.
Here's the web address, which is also linked under our Favorite Websites section of the blog

Typically, I use the month of March for linking our Home to School Connection Skill to our bedtime hour. However, for one week (Jan. 13th to Jan. 20th) I've asked the kids to write down the time they went to bed at the bottom of their agenda. It's listed in their agendas as "BT________". We're going to take a look at how many hours of sleep we are getting each night and compare it to our overall attitude and energy levels the next day. Thanks for encouraging your child to spend the appropriate time reenergizing!
Enjoy your Zzzzz's!