Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thank You For the Opportunity to Meet All of You and Your Children!

It is going to be a real pleasure to have the opportunity to be your child's teacher this year and I feel fortunate and pleased to have had everyone join in on our Open House activities. Thank you for your participation!

I've added and corrected a few e-mail addresses and hope that everyone is able to view our daily blog. Often the blog is brief, but it does provide pertinent information and helpful inquiries to discover what your child learned each day. I hope you are able to look it over often. Please feel free to give suggestions or comments.

My overall reaction from our Open House event was that each child seemed very polite and respectful. Additionally, each child portrayed a sense of eagerness and enthusiasm toward meeting their teacher and beginning the new school year. I look forward to getting start on Tuesday!

Enjoy the holiday weekend!
