- Let's help out our troops!
- Just a reminder....
- Items for OPERATION MINNESOTA NICE need to be turned in by THIS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9th.
- Please drop off all donated items to your school's designated area:
- Hillside: Main Office
- PV: Ellen's Office
- MHES: Main Office
- Rice: Main Office
- Middle School: Integration Room- 403 (If room is not open, please bring items to the office)
- High School: Main Office
- District Office: High School Office
- If anyone in interested in adopting a solider while they are overseas please contact Mary at: Mary-scott@operationminnesotanice.com
- You can also find more information at: http://www.operationminnesotanice.com/
- Here is the list of items (I have also sent it to DISTRICT NEWS and FOR SALE)
- Beef jerky (Number 1 food request)
- Spam with pop-top lids
- Corn Nuts
- Nature Valley Granola Bars or Energy bars
- Easy Mac
- Beef stew or chunky soups (flip-top lids)
- Starbucks instant coffee packets
- Crystal Light type single packet drink mix-ins
- Twizzlers
- Peanut butter (singles) or Nutella
- Peanut M&M's (only peanut)
- Carnation Instant Breakfast
- Dried fruit or fruit leather
- Sunflower seeds in shells
- Coffee creamer packets
- Individual snack packages
- Nuts or trail mix (no chocolate)
- Single box cereals or instant oatmeal (prefer Better Oats)
- Jelly, jam, or honey packets
- Gum or breath mints
- Baby or wet wipes (Number 1 request)
- Gel Deodorant (gel only May thru October)
- Burt's Bees lip balm (only brand that doesn't melt)
- Non-aerosol bug spray and sunscreen
- Thick soled flip-flops for showering
- Throat lozenges
- Powder Wisp toothbrushes
- Small bottles of mouthwash
- Disposable razors
- Liquid body wash
- Shoe insole cushions
- Multivitamins
- Fingernail clippers
- "Cushy" TP
- Magazines for male soldiers
- DVD's-gently used are fine
- Hand-held games
- Uno, Phase 10, etc.
- Vacation destination pamphlets and brochures
- Batteries in packs of 4 or less
- Earpods
- Small sporting items
- Water toys (squirt guns, wading pools etc.)
- Hand-written notes or children's artwork
- Black athletic socks (no low cuff)
- Boxes of zip lock bags
- Soft washcloth or body puff (for use with body wash)
- Holiday themed items (Fall, Christmas, ect)
- Things that remind them of home (things they might miss out in being overseas)
- Used items unless DVD's
- Toothpaste or dental floss
- Hard candy
- Bars of soap
Cookies (Right now OMN has 22,000 boxes of GS cookies!)
Thanks again!
- Leah Trontvet
- Integration Liaison
- leah.trontvet@isd47.org
(320) 258-1445