Friday, September 14, 2012

Night of the Twisters

In Social Students we are learning how to use a compass to find directions and location, which is an opening activity to our Maps and Globes Unit.  We are also researching tornadoes and how to be properly prepared for an emergency. In addition, we are reading the book, Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman which is a wonderful story about the power of Mother Nature and the importance of making responsible decisions. These activities all fall under our Earth Studies Unit.  Feel free to ask your child about the first three chapters of the book.  Finally, please bring a flashlight to Social Studies class next Wednesday and Thursday as we will be reading Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman in a very dark location with sounds of thunder, rain, and wind howling in the background.  It's my attempt to help students visualize the setting of the story (which will assist in making 'connections' and improve comprehension).  Enjoy the weekend!  FYI - Flashlights can be purchased at the dollar store dollar!