Saturday, September 29, 2012

News from the Classes

Reading:  Our main comprehension skill this week is cause and effect.  We will also practice using context to figure out the meaning of words.  Please continue to help your child fill out their reading logs.  New logs went home today and are once again due next Friday.  

Social /Grammar/Science:  We are taking a grammar quiz on Monday over compound subjects and predicates. Soon, we will be testing on the location and name of each of the seven continents and the four oceans. We are talking about weather and climate in Science.

Math: We have finished and tested on Unit 1.  Your child should have brought home their test on Thursday for you to sign.  During class last week, we began talking about congruent and similar figures.  We also discussed line symmetry.  This week, fourth graders will learn about lines, line segments, rays, kinds of quadrilaterals, perimeter and area.  They will be filling out a Unit 2 dictionary packet with math vocabulary words, definitions and memory clues.  This packet will be very helpful with class lessons and homework assignments.  They will have a homework assignment Monday-Thursday.  However, I do try to give them time in class to work on this and some students may even complete it in class.  Please continue to practice your multiplication facts nightly!