We will be celebrating Unity Day on Wednesday, April 10. Staff & students can wear Unity Day T-shirts or orange.
Math 11.4 - Lots to do as we spent most of our math class time working on MCA practice problems.
Reading Log
News from the Office
Our Walk for Life committee met last night and we have decided on the following things to promote this event in our building.
Committe members are: Juli Scott, Kay Pakkala, Jill Zimpel, Carissa Solarz, Jana Johnson, Jennifer Widman, Dave Krupa, Heidi Lund, Katie Brewster, Kim Norsten, Amy Hopper, Jessica Teske, Lindsey Saurer and myself. If you have questions about any of the events please touch base with one of these members.
Obviously we are continuing with the bottle campaign as in past years. Thanks again for everyone's help in this project. Every student who brings back their bottle with any amount in it will have their name go in a drawing for a classroom prize. Classroom teachers please keep track of who brings their bottles back.
We are asking that each classroom make a poster for their classroom to be dispalyed on the track on May 3rd. This poster should include the names of those you are walking for and your classroom name. We will bring around the poster paper to your classroom. This poster needs to be completed by May 1st.
We have also decided to create a bulletin board in the hallway where students and staff can place a picture of those friends and family members who have battled cancer. These pictures need to have the students name and teacher name on the back of the picture so that we can return the pictures to them when we are done. These pictures can be given to either Kay Pakkala or Jill Zimpel who will be creating the bulliten board.
We will also be having three special fridays where students can bring $1. and earn a special priviledge. On April 12th student can bring $1.00 and earn 1 minute of free time for their grade level. Grade levels will determine when to have this free time. On Friday, April 19th, they can bring $1.00 and wear a hat for the day. On Thursday(no school on Friday), April 25, they can bring $1.00 and get a bag of popcorn.
Starting on April 22nd we will once again have items for sale in the school store through Thursday, May 2nd. Dave Krupa and Heidi Lund will be organizing this with the fourth grade students. We will have more information on WAEL at a later time.
We will be walking on Friday, May 3rd. A schedule will be coming out at a later date for this. We will once again be handing out Freezees as a treat at this event. Each grade level will be assigned a color or colors to weat on this day representing a different kind of cancer. We also hope to have the radio station participate with us again on this day. If we have bad weather we will host the event in the gym.
Thank you to everyone for making this a successful event.