Sunday, April 14, 2013


Here are some tips for helping prepare your child for MCA testing:

Early to bed - A good night’s sleep is very important the night before the test. Most children need at least 10 hours of sleep to perform their best.

Prepare a good breakfast - Test morning is not the time for a high-sugar snack or no breakfast at all. A nutritious and filling breakfast is a must. 

Take it seriously - Schools use this information to identify students’ strengths and areas of growth, so encourage your child to do their best.

Relax - Try not to be nervous before the test. Take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes for a moment and tell yourself to just stay calm and focused.

Listen Up - Pay close attention to the teacher’s instructions and carefully read the test instructions to make sure you understand exactly what you’re supposed to do.

Move on/don’t get stuck - If you’re having a hard time with one question, leave it and go on to other questions. Come back to finish it later. 

Instill Confidence- Tell your child that s/he is ready and that they will do well.  We have to believe it—to achieve it!

Send out on a Positive Note- Studies have shown that students who have a stress-free morning—do better on the test.