Monday, October 17, 2011

Good questions to ask your child....

What math homework do you have to finish tonight? (Answer: Blue 3.1 wks.)

Do you have a spelling test this week? (Answer: Yes. There are 15 words and they are review words from the last five weeks. Three words from each week) Is there a Spelling Parent Letter to complete? (Answer: No, it's a review week. We'll begin Unit Six next week)

When are/were the fundraiser packets due (Answer: Today)

How are you coming on the October Reading Contract? (Answer: We took the Antonym, Synonym, and Homophone SI test today, we also completed the A,S and H pretest last week. The students should have at least six of their grid items completed, 180 RM's compiled, and have earned at least two AR points for the month of October to be on pace to complete the contract on time.)

Do you have school on Thursday and Friday? (Answer: No, it's MEA week)

Will we be receiving a conference reminder? (Answer: Yes, it was sent out last Friday. See the entry below)

Is there an MIM activity this week? (Answer: No, it's a short week)

What is the Commutative Property of Addition? ( Answer: Changing the order of the addends does not change
the sum: a + b = b + a)