Thursday, September 8, 2011

Recess Staff - Recess Rules Reviewed

The Kindergarten staff had asked us (Recess Staff) write down the recess rules, so that they can share them with their students, and we thought others may be interested, was well.

The list sounds kind of negative, so please try to share it in a positive way. It is all about safety. Thanks!

First off please remind all student that they need to stay on the sidewalk and inside the yellow safety lines on the way down to the playground.
Students are not allowed in the parking lot or on the road, so if balls or anything goes outside the playground, students should find an adult to assist them in recovering their lost item.
Then there is:
No climbing up the slides.
No jumping off of the slides or the swings.
No playing "Chicken" or standing in front of the swings while others are swinging.
No standing on the tetter tatter.
We do not allow tackling games on the playground.
No throwing wood or tire chips.
No water bottles or food items on the playground.
Share and respect items provided on the cart.
Return toys when you are done playing with them.
When the whistle blows put toys away and line up.
Hands to ourselves.
All of the regular school rules. (No name calling, bad language, etc.)

In the winter there is no throwing of snow, snowballs, or ice.

Please let the student know that Jean and I are there for them. If they need help, have question or concerns they should feel free to come talk to us.

Thanks for all you do,
Kelly Cotten
PV Recess Para