Sunday, January 11, 2009

Question About Invention

Question: We are wondering if the students are supposed to bring their Invention Boards to school on Monday.   Thanks for your help.

Answer: The kids may bring their invention boards in on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and work on them. They may take them home Thursday afternoon to make final additions/corrections and return them on January 2Oth. Everything is due on January 2Oth. On January 20th, we will practice our presentations. On January 21st and January 22nd, the students will present their presentations to the class and the teacher. I will grade their presentations, logs, inventions, and poster boards during the presentations, along with adding additional points for their presentations/discussions/behavior during the January 23rd Inventor's Congress Event. Thanks for the question.... any other questions????

The goal for Monday, January 12th is to have all three rough draft paragraphs returned so we can type them to perfection during our keyboarding class. The kids can place these paragraphs on their display boards on Tuesday and begin creating their diagrams and adding the diagrams to their poster boards on Wednesday and Thursday.