Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November Reading Contract

Reading Contract
For November

I, _________________________ will read at home every day and will keep a log of my daily reading minutes in my agenda. My goal is to read ______________ minutes for the month of November (Minimum number of minutes is 360).

My parents will check my reading minutes and sign my agenda at the end of every day. I will return it to school daily so my teacher can check it, too.

I understand that to be eligible for an end of the month reading reward, I must read, sign, and comply with the terms of this contract. We will be having a White Elephant Sale on November 25th. We will be using the tickets that we have earned to purchase items that the students and teacher have brought in to sell.

I will also need to take _______ Accelerated Reading tests within my reading range ( minimum of two) by 12:50 PM on the afternoon of Monday, November 24th with an accuracy rate of 80%. Remember, as per the Literacy Committee, you can only take one AR test per day.

In addition to the reading requirements, I will need to complete a Veteran’s Day Essay by November 7th. These will be discussed and completed mostly in class.

My reading range is _____________________________.

Student Signature

Parent Signature

Teacher Signature

Note: Signed contracts are due back in school no later than November 6th.


Write a short account of the sinking of the Edmond Fitzgerald. This website may help: http://www.ssefo.com/ click on 'Event Timeline'.

The weather is turning colder and it's time to put together your winter survival kit. Make a list of all the items your family needs to carry in their car in case of an emergency this winter.

Research a constellation. Illustrate the constellation and describe it on the back of your illustration. Remember to state when and where it can be seen. Use http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~dolan/constellations/

Write a letter to the newly elected president and tell him one thing that you would like him to accomplish during his four years in office. Use business letter format by referring to our Writer's Express book.

Name five things that the Pilgrims were thankful for and five comparable things that you are thankful for in your life.

List several safety tips that can be used during the hunting season. Use http://www.gamecalls.net/hunting tips/safetytips.html as a guide.

Create a Family Tree. Your Family Tree must go back three generations. The following website may be helpful or used as a template. http://presentationsoft.about.com/od/powerpoint2007/tp/family_tree_chart_templates.htm

November 18th is ' Funny Jokes' Day. Write down four respectable and appropriate jokes and be prepared to share at least two of them with the class.

Create a collage of things that you are thankful for and appreciate. Ask your teacher for poster paper, as this project will be displayed in the classroom.