Tuesday, November 25, 2008

December Reading Contract

Reading Contract
For December

I, _________________________ will read at home every day and will keep a log of my daily reading minutes in my agenda. My goal is to read _260_or_(_____)_ minutes for the month of December. The month of December can be a very busy month, so this month’s RM goal is a minimum of 20 minutes per school night.

My parents will check my reading minutes and sign my agenda at the end of every day. I will return it to school daily so my teacher can check it.

I understand that to be eligible for an end of the month reading reward, I must read, sign, and comply with the terms of this contract. We will be having a White Elephant Sale on Friday, December 19th and to be able to participate I must have met my reading goal by the early afternoon (12:10 PM) of Thursday, December 18th.

Also, I will need to take a minimum of ____ one___Accelerated Reading test and ___one___ read-aloud (teacher read aloud book) test by Thursday, December 18th with an accuracy rate of 80%. My reading range is ______________________________________________________________.

This month we will also need to memorize and recite one winter poem by ourselves or with a partner. This poem must be presented to the class by Friday, December 18th. We will be choosing a poem during the first week of December. Make sure to get your poem approved by your teacher on or before Friday, December 5th.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Teacher Signature

Name of AR book___________________________________________________

Name of poem______________________________________________________

Note: Signed contracts are due back in school no later than ___December 5th___.