Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Charlotte's Web

Charlotte’s Web Trivia

Monday, Feb. 4th Chapter 2: Wilbur

Wilbur likes to follow Fern around, but sometimes he gets tired.  How does Fern move him along then?
A: she puts him in a baby carriage for dolls

Tuesday, Feb. 5th Chapter 3: Escape

According to E.B. White, which animals in the barn have “wonderful sweet breath?”
A: patient cows

Big descriptive group class Q. 
When E.B. White first describes the barn on Zuckerman’s farm, he mentions 11 different things it smells like.  (He also says it has a “peaceful smell.”)  It is one of the most lyrical passages in the book.  See which class can name all 11 smells.  (You can also preview this question by reminding children the night before to pay extra special attention to descriptions of texture and the senses: sights, sounds, smells, food, the seasons...)
A: old; hay; manure; horse perspiration; cow breath; peaceful; grain; harness dressing; axle grease; rubber boots; new rope; fish; hay

Wednesday, Feb. 6th Chapter 4: Loneliness

Why won’t the goose play with him?
A: she has to sit on her eggs (“Have to keep them toasty-oasty-oasty warm.”)

Thursday, Feb. 7th Chapter 5: Charlotte

How does Charlotte say Hello?  (What word or expression does she use?)