Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Please sign and return our contract on or before April 29th

Reading Contract
For April 26th - May 14th

I, _________________________ will read at home every day and will keep a log of my daily reading minutes in my agenda. My goal is to read ______________ (a minimum of 300 ) minutes for this contract period. My parents will check my reading minutes and sign my agenda at the end of every day. I will return it to school daily so my teacher can check it.

I understand that to be eligible for an end of the month reading award, I must read, sign, and comply with the terms of this contract. This month’s party is the AR Reward Party on May 28th. As of the writing of this contract, the party has not been planned. However, after speaking to Mrs. Euteneur, it sounds like it is going to be a school wide cinema event with popcorn and one other snack being provided.

I will need to read two / three Book Club Books (circle the number of books you intend to read) by May 14th and I will take an Accelerated Reading test for each book, complete the written response packet, and pass it with at least 80% accuracy by 12:50 PM on May 14th. I will also accumulate eleven AR points by May 14th . In addition, I will complete all of the tasks on the back page (grid) and get them initialized by a parent. I am currently reading the book, _____________________________________ and it is worth ______ AR points. My reading range is ___________-___________ and I currently have ___________ AR points for the third trimester.

Here is a quick list of the assignments that I need to complete to participate in the White Elephant Sale

300 Reading Minutes
Read_______Book Club books, complete the questionaire packet, and pass the AR test with 80% accuracy
Complete all tasks on the back page (grid)
All tasks are due on or before May 14 at 12:50 PM

________________________ _______________________
Student Signature Parent Signature
Teacher Signature
Please return this contract by April 29th, so I may photocopy it.