Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Peanut Recall

February 3, 2009

Dear SRR Parents/Guardians:

Recent news reports have focused on the nationwide recall of peanut products. Schools have been included in some of the notices because many have received commodity products covered by the recall. I thought I'd drop you a short note to let you know of our status with peanut products.

In mid-January notices from the FDA and our own food service provider informed us that a recall of certain peanut products was underway. We conducted a careful inspection of the products we use and found that we did not have any of the recalled items in our stock.

Just a week ago, the FDA reissued and expanded their "hold" on peanut butter and related products. For a short time, while we again verified what we provide to students, we stopped using all products with peanuts. As of today, we have returned some peanut products into our menus. These all come from an FDA approved list which has continually been updated and which we monitor closely.

Clearly, this public health alert has caused concern in many quarters. While we know some of our menus have been disrupted because of these alerts, we have acted on the side of caution. We have appreciated the patience of our students and families while this has taken place.

We have been fortunate that there have been no reported health problems here associated with peanut products. Both the FDA and our own food service company have been most helpful in providing guidance. We all hope that this latest risk with our national food supply will soon pass.


Greg Vandal