Inventors Congress Questions/Information:
1. Please do not stress or allow your child to stress over this project. It is supposed to be fun. We are not expecting or anticipating brand new, amazing inventions. Some of the best inventions have not cost a thing. I have had kids get good grades and their invention stopped working or didn’t work properly when it was at school. It’s about the process and not some big dazzling display.
2. Parents can definitely help and guide, but please don’t do it for your child. You can give ideas and use tools that kids are too young for, but please make sure they are with you throughout the process.
3. Posterboards can be purchased at school for $3 after break, or you can buy one or provide one on your own. A gate fold type poster board works best. There is not one specific look that it needs to have.
4. A parent packet has been sent home. Please familiarize yourself and your child with it.
5. The poster board format is in the parent packet. We would like the poster boards to look similar to those in regards to the way it is set up.
6. Grades are figured by using the poster board, speech and most importantly the log book. The log book tells the tale of how much effort a student has put into it. We don’t expect every single line to be filled out in the log book, but the large majority of it should be filled out. One or two sentences for each question just isn’t enough. Kids can skip around. I encourage kids to do a little bit each day.
7. A few log book questions usually give kids some problems. Page 1 is just asking kids problems they would like to solve. All inventions have solved a problem or made something easier. The invention your child picks is solving a problem. The 2nd part ( Another problem....) is a problem they would like to solve ( for example one little girl wanted to walk her dog at night. She went on to explain the problems). page 2 are the solutions or answers to the two on page one.
8. Poster board paragraphs should be a minimum of five sentences. The more details the better chance of a top quality project. These paragraphs need to be typed at home. If your child doesn’t have access to a computer they can write the paragraphs at home and we can find time for them to type the paragraphs at school.
9. Your child’s speech will be given the week of the Inventor’s Congress and we will discuss it with them more after break.
10. Getting an idea for an invention is often times the toughest part of Inventors Congress. Combining things that are already invented is often times the best way to go. The little girl mentioned earlier who wanted to walk her dog at night took a dog leash, some Christmas lights and found a way to make it battery powered. None of the things she used were new, but her idea was, and that was the important part. Another student had a Dad who was a poor putter in golf. The student took a putter, glued a mirror to the head of the putter, and a laser pointer to the shaft. The light in turn created a line where to hit the ball. Again, all of the items used were not new and were not invented by the student. One of the best inventions of all time was one of the most simple that I have seen. A student was tired of trying to get straight one dollar bills for the vending machine. He took an old cheese grater, and some tin foil and made an area between the foil and cheese grater that he could run the dollar through to straighten it. Simple, but brilliant. His speech was great with a wonderful poster board, paragraphs and log book.
11. We are asking that there be no recipes or games.
12. We need them to have a working model preferably. One student one year had a clay model of something that would take away world hunger. That’s a great idea in theory, and a bit unrealistic, but the problem was they couldn’t show us how it worked.
13. Failure is not a bad thing. All inventors fail.
14. If any parents want to help with calling area businesses for prize donations please contact your child's teacher. We could really use the help!
15. Important dates.
A. Invention proposals are due Tuesday, January 5th. If your child doesn’t have one by this date there still is time. Teachers will check in with them to see what their plan is and where they are at.
B. Inventions, poster boards, log books are due at school Thursday 14, January 22nd
C. Inventors Congress is at school on Friday, January 25th with the time to be determined later.
If you have any other questions please let us know.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Inventor's Parent Packet
The Inventor's Parent packet was sent home today.
The dates to remember are as follows:
Proposals are due January 7th.
Projects are due January 22.
January 25th Inventor's Congress at PV.
The dates to remember are as follows:
Proposals are due January 7th.
Projects are due January 22.
January 25th Inventor's Congress at PV.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Field Trip-Great River Bowl
We will be bowling on December 21st at the Great River Bowling Alley in Sartell. Permission slips were sent out today. This a culminating activity for our Bowling Unit in P.E. The cost of the event is $5.25
Monday, December 10, 2007
Report Cards
The first trimester report card was sent home with the students today. Please return the signed envelope.
The Unit Four Math Packet is due on December 20th. We'll be going over page 8 and 9 on Thursday. I'll be asking for questions on pages 1-7.
Spelling List for the Week of Dec. 10th
Spelling List
Week Two
Test on December 14, 2007
Story---Just a Dream
Theme- the vowel sound in walk
Additional words
Challenge Words
Week Two
Test on December 14, 2007
Story---Just a Dream
Theme- the vowel sound in walk
Additional words
Challenge Words
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Middle School Science Fair
We have been invited to attend a science fair at Sauk Rapids- Rice Middle School on Wednesday, November 28th. This will be a perfect introduction to our upcoming unit on Inventions. Please sign and return the permission slip so your child can attend. There is a $1 fee to cover the cost of the buses. Please have your child's permission slip returned before Wednesday at 9:30.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Schoolwide Reading Goal and Reward
The Accelerated Reader reward party / movie will be Ratatouille and will be shown on Friday, December 7th from 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. in the cafeteria. Reminder: Fourth grade students needed to have earned ten Accelerated Reading points by November 29th. Any students that did not meet the AR goal will be enjoying an AR book in another classroom. Your child should have their AR point total listed in their agenda.
Note from the Principal
Please remind your students that there cannot be any food or beverages in any of the computer labs at any time. We are also having a problem with students who keep their snacks in their locker and then walk through the hallways eating their snack on their way to and from the classroom. There have been many incidents of crushed crackers in the hallway. If your students are going to keep their snacks in their locker, please remind them to not open them until they get to the classroom.
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your help!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
November AR and RM goals are due November 29th
Just a reminder that the students need to have their November AR and RM goals completed by November 29th.
They also need to have 10 AR points accumulated for the trimester by that date, too. Ask your child to write their totals
in their agenda. I'll have them posted in my cabinet. Read, read, read!
They also need to have 10 AR points accumulated for the trimester by that date, too. Ask your child to write their totals
in their agenda. I'll have them posted in my cabinet. Read, read, read!
Juice Forms
The second trimester juice forms were sent home on Wednesday. They are due back on November 29th.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Extra keyboarding practice
Here is the link to our media resource page for extra keyboarding practice
Papa John's Pizza Night
Pleasantview's Pizza Night is Thursday, November 15th. Papa John's will donate two dollars to our school for every order.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Unit Three Math Study Guide
The math study guide is due on Friday, November 16, 2007. Please sign the study guide.
The test is also on Friday.
The test is also on Friday.
Spelling List for November 12-16
Additonal Words
Challenge Words
Additonal Words
Challenge Words
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Veterans Day Websites for Research
The Veterans Day essays are due on are a few more suggested websites to help your child discover more about this day of remembrance and recognition.
An example of an essay provided by and with permission from the Department of Veterans Affairs
When Francis Scott Key wrote the “Star Spangled Banner” almost 200 years ago, he called America, “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Those words are as true today as they were then.
Throughout this Nation’s history, America’s soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and coastguardsmen have bravely answered the call to defend our freedom, to aid our friends and allies, and to turn back aggressors.
We can never fully repay our debt of gratitude to the more than 650,000 American servicemembers who died in battle or the 1.4 million who were wounded. We can, however, recognize and thank the 25 million veterans still living today.
These words are inscribed on the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C. :
“Our nation honors her sons and daughters who answered the call to defend a country they never knew and a people they never met.”
Those words apply equally to many of our World War I, World War II, Vietnam War and Gulf War veterans as well. They apply to today’s active duty servicemembers — tomorrow’s veterans — who are helping to maintain peace throughout the world.
Today, it is our privilege to say “thank you” to all of America ’s veterans, to let them know that we appreciate them for their service and honor them for their sacrifices.
The price of freedom is high. We cannot afford to forget those willing to pay it.
Today, we celebrate America’s veterans for keeping this Nation “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
An example of an essay provided by and with permission from the Department of Veterans Affairs
When Francis Scott Key wrote the “Star Spangled Banner” almost 200 years ago, he called America, “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Those words are as true today as they were then.
Throughout this Nation’s history, America’s soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and coastguardsmen have bravely answered the call to defend our freedom, to aid our friends and allies, and to turn back aggressors.
We can never fully repay our debt of gratitude to the more than 650,000 American servicemembers who died in battle or the 1.4 million who were wounded. We can, however, recognize and thank the 25 million veterans still living today.
These words are inscribed on the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C. :
“Our nation honors her sons and daughters who answered the call to defend a country they never knew and a people they never met.”
Those words apply equally to many of our World War I, World War II, Vietnam War and Gulf War veterans as well. They apply to today’s active duty servicemembers — tomorrow’s veterans — who are helping to maintain peace throughout the world.
Today, it is our privilege to say “thank you” to all of America ’s veterans, to let them know that we appreciate them for their service and honor them for their sacrifices.
The price of freedom is high. We cannot afford to forget those willing to pay it.
Today, we celebrate America’s veterans for keeping this Nation “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
Two Hour Late Start and Veterans Day Celebrations
On November 9th we will be celebrating Veterans Day. Parents are invited to attend from 9:30 - 10:10. The celebration will take place in the gym. Veterans are being ask to RSVP before Friday and be seated up front.
Monday, November 5, 2007
November Reading Contract
The November reading contracts are due November 8th. Please review your child's AR and RM goals. You can always make suggestions on increasing or decreasing the number of minutes read or the number of tests taken before the contracts are signed. We will be watching the movie, Night of the Twisters on November 29th. Thank you for signing our goal sheets and taking the time to approve the number of minutes read per night in the agenda.
Spelling list November 5th-9th
Spelling List
Week Nine
Test on November 9, 2007
I’m New Here
Theme---Long ‘a’ and Long ‘e’
Spelling List
Additional spelling words
Challenge words
United States
Week Nine
Test on November 9, 2007
I’m New Here
Theme---Long ‘a’ and Long ‘e’
Spelling List
Additional spelling words
Challenge words
United States
Additional Responsibility Goal
Today, we continued our discussion on being responsible individuals in our school, home, and community. We felt that we could help out at home more by continuing to MTB and by adding one more task to our list. Please discuss with your child what that job could be and how they could complete it on a scheduled basis. We will add it to the top of our agendas and "check it off" when we complete the task. The new job applications were also passed out today, please review your child's responses before they hand in their application on Tuesday. Thank you!
Extra math practice website
Friday, November 2, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween
No homework, tonight!!! Well, maybe you could collect as much candy as you can and try not to eat very much of it! Good luck!
First Grade Buddies
Monday, October 22, 2007
Math Unit Three Family Letter
Spelling List for the Week of October 22nd
Math Packet and Study Link--Tuesday 10-23
The Unit Three Math Packet has been issued to the students. We will be putting the assignment dates in our agendas. The Math packet due date will be written on the packet and in our agendas. Please check your child's agenda and packet to see if they are completing the assignments on time. Also, be watching for the Study Link due dates. Remember that the Study Links need to be signed by a parent to earn extra Bonus Bucks.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Autumn Poetry Created by Our Class
Autumn smells so sweet,
slowly falling at my feet,
are the leaves so neat.
Falls Finally Here!
Falls finally here
Lots of pumpkins and candy
I will eat them all!
Candy Corn
Orange, yellow, white
It's a party in my mouth
I love Candy Corn
The Wind Ways
The wind ways are odd
The winds are strong leaf blowers
Piles grow and shrink
Scarecrow, scarecrows scare
Bye, bye, bye big scary crows
The crops are safe now!
Red, green, gold, and brown
leaves are falling all around
Summer is ending!
Once A Year
Fall is once a year
Drink some hot apple cider
Celebrate with me!
Leaves Falling Down
Red, yellow, green, gold
Leaves falling to the soft ground
My favorite colors!!
They blow in the wind.
Bouncy, bouncy up and down
They go all around!
Grab an orange pumpkin
Take out your tools and carve
Halloween is back!
Fall Leaves
Fall leaves fall from trees
Red, Gold, Green, down, down, down, down
Swirling to the ground
Candy Corn
white, orange, yellow
little bits of candy corn
eat them one by one.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
The Math Family Letter for Unit Two
The Math Family letter was sent home today. Please put it in a safe place, as it can be used to correct your child's Study Link assignments (S.L.). The students earn 10,000 Bonus Bucks for returning a signed and completed Study Link.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Please sign your child's October AR and RM goal sheet by Friday
The new Accelerated Reader (AR) and Reading Minute (RM) goal sheets were sent home today. Please review them with your child and send the sheet back signed by Friday, October 5th. If you would like to increase your child's Reading Minute goal, please contact me at 258-1268. The children may read above their AR range, but they must pass their AR test with 80% accuracy for it to count toward their monthly goal. Read, read, read!
Landform Quiz
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Homework- Thursday September 27th
We have a spelling test tomorrow and math journal pages 28- 30 were assigned for homework.
We will also be counting up our reading minutes for the month of September to see if we met our individual goals. Just a reminder...the Accelerated Reading goal is due on Monday. See you tonight at the Ice Cream Social!
We will also be counting up our reading minutes for the month of September to see if we met our individual goals. Just a reminder...the Accelerated Reading goal is due on Monday. See you tonight at the Ice Cream Social!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The Subject / Predicate books have been graded
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Landform books
The Landform books are due on Thursday, September 27th. The students need to have six definitions and illustrations in their books.
Subject / Predicate books are due on Wednesday, September 26
The rubric for the S/P book was given out last week and the final drafts are due on Wednesday. If you have any questions, please ask your child to provide the rubric and to give a summary of the examples that I provided. The purpose of the book is to work on the different parts of speech and our proofreading symbols. Here are a few pictures of several examples........have fun with it.
The Zoom books have been published and graded!

Our first book has been created and published! I was very impressed with the creativity and extra effort that the students displayed while cre
and following all the steps of
You may ask your child to tell you about
each phase of the writing process and ask
them to show you their book and their grade.
I'm really looking forward to their next writing
Here is a published book that was created
by one of the students in our class. Enjoy!
Friday, September 21, 2007
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